20 things

  1. People will disappoint you and you will disappoint people. You will disappoint yourself and the only thing you can do is just keep on going.
  2. Remember that it's okay to not be okay sometimes. And it doesn't matter whether some have bigger things to worry about than you have because it doesn't change the fact that you feel what you feel.
  3. Be lonely and  learn your way around loneliness. Make a guide book so you will know your way out and avoid being stuck. Because when you get stuck, that's when everything gets wrong.
  4. Your family isn't perfect. They have shortcomings. But remember that the essence of family is offering your hands and picking someone up when they fall down. They always come first, they are the only true people you have in this world after all.
  5. This time listen to Elsa when she sings "Let it Go". Let your fears go. Let them all go.
  6. You think about the past too much and worry about the future. What about the now? What the hell do you think you're doing pushing people away?
  7. "Hope is the only thing stronger than Fear", well said President Snow. But I'd have to add Faith.
  8. I think I wrote the first seven things for myself. Like, Dear Bunny, here are seven things yourself wants to tell you. Please try to keep them in mind.
  9. I miss people more than I should and I am afraid that they don't even spend at least a minute to think about me but I still miss people so yeah. yep. Ahh  I miss you. All.
  10. I've been in the province for almost two months and I kind of miss Manila. I mean, no matter how much I hate the morass of that city, I've been there for like 3 years so it's hard not to miss the place that taught you to be tough and tested and burned you to be independent.
  11. Most of my afternoons here were spent looking at sunset. My favorite is when they sky and the clouds were so orange like fire. Some days it's just pale yellow. Some days it's a blast of warm colors with pink and red and a little violet. Nevertheless, still breathtaking. Look at the damn sunset, we always forget how beautiful this planet is, do we?
  12. I have this really favorite tree that is planted on the side of the walkway from the gate to the house. All my life since I was a kid I thought that tree was Ilang-Ilang but now I've googled ze internet and found out it's called "Golden Showers" (Cassia Fistula).
  13. You should see one it's really beautiful! It's my favorite because the tree's flowers always bloom on the month of May and whenever my birthday comes, the pavement in front of the house will be covered with yellow flowers that fell from the tree and it's so lovely! It has so much flowers that you can no longer see the leaves! It's like, it's my tree. <3 (my mom hates the tree though, she complains because of the fallen flowers on the pavement that's tedious to clean, I always tell her to leave them be because it's lovely to walk on it, she disagreed of course).
  14. I like gifts. Not that I am so materialistic but it's the thought and the effort to give you one that counts and tug that itty-bitty heartstrings. And while I am talking about gifts, I think my favorite was the one my little cousins gave me on my birthday. It was actually just a picture frame with a bday card written by them using only a piece of the elementary pad paper and it was the cutest thing! Plus I asked them where did they get the money and they told me, it's their ipon money all in all and said they want the picture frame to contain our pictures haha and I just want to love them to bits!
  15. I've been painting my nails. I think this is something 20ish would do. Hahaha.
  16. Chocolates, cheesecakes and pizzas are eternal + Indie music is the best
  17. How did this turn out from too serious things to food and music? The random me.
  18. I don't have "many" friends. Like, if I throw a party to celebrate something, I'd probably invite 10 people. I'm not antisocial. I'm just too hot they can't handle me. I believe life is enjoyed if you are with the good company. You get my point, never like them phonies and toxic. Plus, I love the people in my circle and I know that they love me.
  19. I am two decades old it's crazy just thinking about it. I want to thank the Universe and its Maker. I am one hell of a stardust and no matter how much I hate my life sometimes, I will forever be thankful that I was given the chance to be here and be what and who I am. I can't wait for the adventures I will have and the people I will meet. I can't wait to live more.
  20. Had my heart on lock down. Then you turned me around.


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