{ The Happy List: #6 Holidays }

  1. Celebrating New Year and Christmas with  family
  2. Late night talks of fun and stories with the family members
  3. Unlimited food (so it seems to me)
  4. Everyone seems a lot more nicer than usual
  5. Presents under the Christmas tree
  6. The fascinating Christmas lights in our house and the neighbors'
  7. Those sweet and thoughtful Christmas messages and wishes from friends
  8. Surprise visits from long-time-no-see relatives
  9. Babysitting my 2 year old niece
  10. Getting advice from my father about life and everything
  11. Fireworks everywhere!
  12. My 2 month old nephew's smile
  13. Going out with fam bam
  14. Everyday feels like there is nothing to be worried about, would you agree?
  15. Looking at my 2013 planner and realizing how amazing the last year has been
  16. High hopes for 2014


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